Sunday, March 8, 2009

" Eeeewww its so mushy"

The fourth and fifth graders have complete a unit on ceramics. Many of the students did not realize the process of creating a clay project would take such a long time. From the beginning of demonstrations through creations, first firing in the kiln, glazing and second firings; will last approximately one month or longer. Several students were amazed by how hot the kiln needs to reach and how long it takes for the kiln to reach such a temperature.
The students learned several new terms, such as, wire loop tool, kidney, pinch pot, coil, slap, glaze, kiln, leather hard, greenware and bisque ware, along with the term firing, to name a few.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Winter Happening in the Art Room

The students have been very busy with a wide variety of visual art mediums.